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Results for "main_practice: "Attention", latest_content: 1"
Sparklets A practice for gathering literary passages that are meaningful to you.
Find a New Role Model A spiritual practice from the Brussat's "Summertime and Living Takes Practice."
Tend Your Garden A spiritual practice from the Brussat's "Summertime and Living Takes Practice."
Pain Meditation A meditation by Ezra Bayda for working with pain.
Mindfulness of the Truth A meditation exercise for welcoming all the emotions, sensations, and truth of our experience in mindful awareness.
One Thing At a Time A daily practice for wholehearted attention.
Simplicity A guided meditation for a daily practice of simplicity.
Prayer of Attention A request for grace and mindfulness of how we spend our money and time.
Making Intentions An exercise focused on the importance of our intentions.
The Five Contemplations Thich Nhat Hanh's five contemplations for mealtime.